In both the television series and the book, the lead actor and the main protagonist respectively, Dexter Morgan, works at the Miami-Dade police department as a forensic blood spatter analyst by day as a serial killer by night. The movie series Dexter is similar to the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter in a sense, they both tell a story of a vigilante serial killer. The paper argues while both movies and novels are adequate means of telling a story, there are many differences between literature and films that make films more appealing to many in contemporary society. While a majority of the first season of the television series was based on the book, Darkly Dreaming Dexter, the analysis of the literature and the film differ in many core ways. The novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay, published in 2004, was adapted to a television series on Showtime by the name Dexter and first aired on 1 st October 2006. Many literary masterpieces have, over the years, been adapted to film. Over the past century, the two different media have gained a multitude of fans across the globe. There are two core ways of expressing fiction, the audiovisual form, and the prose of novels.