
The Haunting of L by Howard Norman
The Haunting of L by Howard Norman

Things turn especially bizarre when Murie fills Duvett in on the truth about her husband before seducing him on her wedding night: Linn is working for a deranged English spiritualist, Radin Heur, who pays him to arrange and photograph train wrecks. Duvett soon meets Linn's "exquisite" new bride, Kala Murie, a devoted student of spirit photography, a phenomenon in which the images of the deceased appear in photographs alongside family and friends.

The Haunting of L by Howard Norman The Haunting of L by Howard Norman

The photographer, Vienna Linn, works for a local Jesuit, for whom he takes pictures of recently baptized townspeople. Following the tragic death of his mother, Peter Duvett leaves his Halifax home and travels to Churchill, Manitoba, where he has accepted a job as an assistant to a photographer he has never met. The Haunting of L., Howard Norman's exploration of depravity and the influence of remorse, overcomes an underdeveloped plot with a consistently eerie sense of suspense.

The Haunting of L by Howard Norman